Notion Systems – interview on EHD printing in the display industry

Notion Systems has been active on the display market since a long time. The company now promotes its EHD technology to achieve high-precision printing. Here’s an interview we conducted with Antonio Schmidt – SVP Sales & Business Development and Jochen Seeser – Senior Process Development Manager, Notion Systems.

We appreciate your time. You will start offering EHD systems in 2022. What applications and how does this technology work in the display industry enable?

Notion Systems entered the display market in 2016, when we supplied an n.jet for pixel printing in a lab at a leading manufacturer of displays in China. Since then, we have supplied several inkjet displays for RGB printing and encapsulation to various R&D and production sites in China and Taiwan. I believe we can also boast that we, along with one or two other U.S. competitors, are the only manufacturers who have multiple systems running for 24×7 production.


Notion has a collaboration with Scrona. They are the developers of EHD Printing Heads. Can you provide an update on the partnership?

Notion launched a partnership with Scrona in 2021 for the development, production and marketing of a laboratory system named n.jet EHD. Notion and Scrona combine their expertise in developing high-end print systems for functional material with Scrona’s innovative multi-nozzle EHD-MEMS print heads. Notion and Scrona’s partnership will help promote this new technology across various industries, including display, electronics, or semiconductor manufacturing. Notion Systems is going to manufacture and maintain the n.jet EHD Lab, which will be aimed at high-level R&D facilities. Notion Systems’ goal is to integrate Scona EHD technology in its production platforms such as n.jet displays or n.jet semcions, over the medium-term.

Notion 2022 Four EHD systems were shipped to European customers. What are the applications of these systems? What is the customer’s reaction?

All systems are used to research and develop new applications in display, semi or micro technology. EHD opens up many possibilities in comparison to traditional inkjet. The limit of inkjet is a structure size of 20 – 30 µm, while EHD can print structures of less than 1 µm.

EHD is capable of supporting structure sizes smaller than one micron. Do you think EHD will finally enable inkjet printing for OLED stacks and emitter layers using the technology?

In light of the trend for display manufacturers to reduce pixel sizes or increase display resolution, we see the EHD as having a large potential to print various components within OLED displays. The EHD’s ability to print inks with a large viscosity in micron-sized structures is a major step in the right direction to allow printing of the OLED emitter in high resolution displays.

Do you think EHD’s future lies in OLED/MicroLED micro display production at sub-micron sizes?

EHD offers many options for future OLED/micro displays applications. Printing of conductive layers, black mask or micro-dispensing OLED material. We currently have several R&D activities with leading display manufacturers in the lab.

This year, we reported Notion Systems’ production and headquarters are expanding due to the growing demand for its products. What is the current state of demand for your products in the display industry.

Notion has begun construction of a new office in Schwetzingen. Schwetzingen lies 45 minutes from Frankfurt airport. The move will be completed by the end of Q3. We have limited space in the current location. We also created more space in our application lab, and for the training area of customers. 

By the way, our first system to be built at this new facility will be a multicolor GEN6 pixel inkjet for a major customer in Asia.

What is the primary application of your display system? Is it QD deposition or something else? 

We will focus on the application and coordination of RGB layers. This requires high-precision printing equipment, in conjunction with an intelligent strategy. Notion is always focused on high-end applications.

Antonio and Jochen – thank you for this interview! We hope to hear more about EHD’s success in the display industry soon. Notion Systems, a leading provider of display solutions in the industry, can be found at or download the company’s EHD printing brochure in the link below:

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