9 August 2023| 9 August 2023

Australia’s largest print-on-demand fulfiller, Prima PMI, has successfully transitioned its energy mix to be fully powered by solar, wind, and hydro resources, underscoring a strong commitment to sustainable energy. 

Solar power: From the Prima roof
Solar power from the Prima PMI Roof

The company claims that after navigating a complex landscape in sourcing alternative energy sources, it has successfully integrated renewable energy into everyday operations. This is a positive model for the printing industry.

Prima PMI’s rooftop solar farm provides a significant amount of the energy it needs. The Granville Harbour Wind Farm and Tasmanian hydropower are used to supplement the remaining power during times of low sun or wind. This combination ensures a reliable power supply that is fully supported by renewable energy sources. The Wind Farm, located on the West Coast of Tasmania was commissioned three years back.

The company claims that the global manufacturing sector, which includes the print industry consumes a substantial portion of energy. Prima PMI claims that it has made a significant contribution to reducing the environmental impact of this industry by creating a 100% renewable operation.

Prima PMI admits that its move towards renewable energy wasn’t without challenges. Prima PMI had the option of using traditional and less expensive energy sources, but it chose to stay true to its environmental commitment even if that meant going beyond cost-efficient measures. The company also looked into carbon offsets but decided that a combination of solar energy generated by itself and renewable energy purchased was the best way to reduce its carbon footprint.

Powering Prima: Granville Harbour Wind Farm
Powering Prima PMI: Granville Harbour Wind Farm

Prima PMI was motivated to switch to 100% renewable energy by its commitment to the environment and a sense responsibility to customers, employees, and communities. Recognising that customers are increasingly aligning with companies that prioritise sustainability, Prima PMI says its shift to renewable energy meets these expectations, and also offers a product “rooted in sustainable practices”. Prima PMI says its decision mirrors its conviction that businesses, big or small, can help shape a sustainable future and “leave a legacy that future generations can be proud of”.

Prima PMI is part of the global District Photo group of companies, based in the US, which together with Harrier LLC, based in the UK, forms one of the world’s largest digital print fulfilment companies. Prima Imageworks was acquired by Prima in 2016. This acquisition brought together the two largest print-on-demand and personalisation companies in Australia, PMI Imageworks and PMI Imageworks.

Prima PMI operates a fleet of printers in the digital, dye-sublimation, DTG (direct to garment), and ecosolvent technologies, along with finishing infrastructure. It produces millions for its 3500-strong product range, and even in small runs.

Renewable: Wind power supporting Prima
Prima PMI supports wind power


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