KOKONI’s SOTA 3D printer makes consumer 3D printing effortless – Phandroid

3D printing began as a niche technology that only professionals could use. As technology improved, 3D printers were made available to consumers. They were smaller, lighter, more portable, and more user-friendly.

It was ideal for those who need to 3D-print prototypes or components that are too expensive to do outside. The 3D printing of products can be done online and it opens up new job opportunities.

If you’re thinking about getting into 3D printing, maybe you have a business idea, or maybe you just want to prototype some of your ideas from the comfort of your home, then you might be interested to learn that at CES 2023, KOKONI has unveiled its latest 3D printer, the KOKONI SOTA.


The SOTA does not look like a typical 3D printer that has a flatbed. The chamber-like design was chosen by the company, which results in a very small and compact 3D printing machine.

One of the advantages of using a 3D printer of this size is that it does not require a lot of space, so if you’re working from home or if your workshop is small, you don’t have to worry about creating a separate space for the SOTA. You can place it on a desk or near your computer.

It is larger than the company’s previous offering, about four times the size, but according to KOKONI, it will still be small enough to fit into your home and desk. Its larger size means that users have more control over what they can print. This is in addition to being able to order larger prints.

Print upside-down

SOTA’s upside-down printing design is another unique feature. Usually with 3D printing, and with the majority of regular printers, the “ink” (or materials) is injected from the top to the bottom, which makes sense if you think about it in 3D printing because it is essentially layering the structure.

According to KOKONI they chose the upside down design because it allows components and moving parts to be secured on the bottom. This design will allow for a lower center of gravity, which will lead to faster printing. The company claims it can print up to 10x faster than other commercially-available 3D printers.

It can travel up to 600m per second and accelerates at 21,000mm.2Users can expect to finish a 3D printing job in less than 10 minutes with this software. Of course, the more complex the print is the longer it will take, but if you’re just printing smaller objects, the speed is beneficial as it means less waiting around.

One other advantage to the upside down design is that it is quieter compared to other printers, so if noise is a concern of yours and you don’t want to wake up other people in your home, then the SOTA could be for you.

Multi-color, high-quality prints

Now, if you’re trying to print prototypes or objects that are being sold, obviously quality matters. The KOKONI SOTA is capable of producing high-precision printing with <0.1mm accuracy, meaning that for the most part, what you create is what will be printed within a very small margin of accuracy.

This is possible because of the closed loop motor control that includes multiple sensors such as an optical radar and a HD cam that monitors the printing process.

In addition to high quality prints, the SOTA is capable of accepting multiple colors and multiple materials at once, so if you’re tired of seeing monochromatic prints and want to print something that’s good to go right out of the printer, then this could be a useful feature for you.

Use it quickly

Setting up a 3D printer can be a bit daunting sometimes, especially with so many moving parts, but that’s something KOKONI is doing away with. With minimal setup, the SOTA can be used right out of box.

Users can also control and interact with the printer using their mobile phones and the accompanying app, where there are multiple designs that are ready to go and all you need to do is select them and send it to the printer and you’re done.

The app supports 3D modelling. This allows you to use the app’s camera and take a picture of an object in its natural state and then print it out using the 3D Printer (within limits). You can find more information on the KOKONI SOTA and order it now.

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